Why Your Teen Is Calling You ‘NPC’ and What It Actually Means

    Teens use "NPC" to describe someone as unoriginal or boring, like a background character in video games. Learn how to engage with them on this.

    Have your teens recently called you "NPC," leaving you puzzled? No need to feel awkward--they aren't alone.

    Let's break down what the term entails, discuss why teens use it, and what to do if you encounter it in any form.

    What Exactly is an NPC?

    An "NPC" refers to any character not directly controlled by the player in their video games. They represent background figures who cannot interact directly with players.

    Think about shopkeepers, guards, and random bystanders: their actions tend to follow scripted behaviors or repeat the same lines of dialogue repeatedly.

    NPCs don't play an active part in the main plot; they exist as background elements.

    Why are teens using the term NPC to describe people? Calling someone an "NPC" essentially equates with saying they are dull or unimportant--like an NPC in a video game with no significant contribution or unique ideas.

    They mean it as a criticism: "You seem uninspired and lack substance."

    Teens might say things such as:

    • “You’ve told me that story a million times, stop being an NPC.”

    • “That trend is so over, NPC.”

    As you can tell, it’s not exactly a compliment.

    The Insult Behind the Term “NPC”

    The term “NPC” started gaining traction in online meme culture and quickly evolved into a kind of insult.

    According to Know Your Meme, memes can often be used by those who identify themselves as more independent or unconventional thinkers as an insulting label for people they perceive to be too mainstream or inauthentic.

    Assuming being labeled an NPC implies being seen by others as lacking individuality and unthinkingly following along, you might be perceived as someone who lacks distinction, someone who's just part of the crowd and doesn't stand out, someone deemed unremarkable by their surroundings and serves as background characters in other people's lives.

    Urban Dictionary defines NPCs (or nonplayer characters) as entities who function on an automated, predetermined and predictable pattern.


    Is Being an NPC Always a Bad Thing?

    Interestingly enough, not all teens longer use "NPC" as an insult.

    Some are beginning to embrace this term more self-consciously and positively; for some, it serves as a recognition that even when they may not always be at the center of attention, they still play an essential part in their own and other people's lives.

    Benjamin Morse, an instructor in New Media at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, provides insight into this shift in perception.

    He notes that while older video games tended to use NPCs solely as background figures, modern titles like Fortnite or Roblox give these characters greater significance.

    Modern NPCs have become more integrated into the game's world, becoming equally crucial as main characters.

    Some teens realize that even though they may not always be at the center of attention, they still possess value and must be appreciated as individuals.

    Acknowledging that not everyone must be the main protagonist to matter can be seen as a sign of maturity.

    The Rise of “NPC” Streaming on TikTok

    When you thought the term "NPC" couldn't get any more intriguing, think again! TikTok now hosts NPC streams, which add an exciting twist.

    TikTok users have noticed an emerging trend known as "NPC streaming," where content creators play roles of non-person characters in live streams for money—making money by acting out this role on TikTok.

    These creators, such as TikTok Pinkydoll, dress and act like NPCs, repeating robotic phrases or actions over and over while engaging their viewers.

    Pinkydoll reportedly earns thousands of dollars daily from streaming.

    Vice interviewed her and learned more. In an interview, she stated, "I don't find it to be particularly exhausting; rather, I enjoy streaming live and interacting with presenters; my views keep increasing as well, which provides additional motivation."

    This unusual trend demonstrates how younger generations are finding unconventional yet creative and profitable ways to engage with internet culture—even if it means becoming " background characters."


    @interviewmag Queen of NPC @Pinkydoll answers some of our Fall questions behind-the-scenes of her Interview shoot! 📲 #pinkydoll #pinkydollreal ♬ original sound - Interview Magazine


    How Should Parents Respond?

    It can be unnerving when your teen uses language you don't quite comprehend to mock you or make fun of you, particularly when this slang is meant as an attempt to tease. How Should Parents React? As parents, when our teens use unfamiliar jargon against us, it can feel unnerving. How Should We Respond To Their Misuse Of Slang To Put Down Someone Else?

    Being labeled an NPC might hurt, but it also opens up an opportunity to bond with your teen.

    Instead of responding defensively, engage in dialogue by questioning why they chose this term and its meaning.

    Engaging with them could reveal new insights into their world, the games they enjoy playing, and the trends they follow.

    At such times, it can also be an opportunity to discuss individuality and creativity and consider how we can become the stars of our stories.

    Although "NPC" might sound disparaging, it's important to remember that each generation has its own way of communicating.

    Even though your teenager might consider you "boring," chances are they'll come to see that we all strive to do our best--just like them.

    Next time your teen refers to you as an NPC, don't take it personally—even in video games, NPCs exist as part of a world, and in real life, they're far more than mere background characters!

    This article draws upon insights from teen culture and references discussions from Today.com to help you better understand and navigate these ever-evolving trends.


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