How Fast Can a Kid Go on a Hoverboard?

    How Fast Can a Kid Go on a Hoverboard | HYPER GOGO
    Learn how fast kids can go on hoverboards, the factors affecting speed, and essential safety tips for a fun and secure experience.

    When Americans hear "hoverboard", many may recall the iconic movie "Back to the Future", in which Marty McFly zooms around on his floating skateboard.

    Modern hoverboards may not defy gravity like their cinematic counterpart, but they still offer an exhilarating ride - especially for kids! Before allowing your child to use one for themselves, though, parents must be informed of some key considerations before letting their ride take place.

    The Thrill of Hoverboarding for Kids

    Hoverboards have quickly become incredibly popular among children and teens, offering a fun and unique form of transportation.

    How fast does a hoverboard go?These self-balancing scooters can reach impressive speeds of 6-12 miles per hour depending on model and terrain - providing children with an enriching experience that improves balance, coordination, and confidence.

    For many kids, learning to master a hoverboard can be a rewarding experience that develops balance and coordination while having lots of fun doing it!

    Factors Affecting Speed

    Various factors influence how fast children can travel on hoverboards. Acknowledging them will allow you to make informed decisions and provide a safe and enjoyable ride experience for young riders.

    1. Model Specifications

    Hoverboards come in many different models, each offering different speed capabilities and designs and engineering choices that affect their maximum speed potential.

    • H-WALLE Hoverboards: H-WALLE hoverboards are tailor-made for beginners and young riders, with top speeds of up to 6.2 mph. They focus more on stability and ease of use than speed—perfect for kids who are just starting to learn how to ride!

    • H-Racer Hoverboards: This off road hoverboard offers an ideal balance between speed and stability, with top speeds typically reaching 9.3 mph. This model is for slightly older kids who already have some experience and want to add some excitement to their ride.

    • High-End Models: Advanced top speed for hoverboard up to 12 mph. These 12 mph hoverboards are for experienced riders and have features like an advanced gyro system and larger wheels for better performance on different terrains.

      2. Weight and Load

      A rider's weight and any additional loads they carry can affect both its speed and performance when riding a hoverboard.

      • Rider's Weight: Hoverboard manufacturers specify weight limits that range between 44 lbs to 220 lbs or higher for their models, which could help ensure faster acceleration and greater speeds with lighter riders, while heavier riders may experience decreased maneuverability and decreased speeds.

      • Load Distribution: An effective weight distribution is key to maintaining balance and reaching optimal speed on a hoverboard. Carrying heavy backpacks or unevenly distributed weight can impede its performance and stability, jeopardizing both performance and stability.

      3. Terrain

      The type of surface on which a hoverboard is used plays an essential part in determining its speed and safety.

      • Smooth Surfaces: Hoverboards perform best when used on surfaces such as pavement, hardwood floors, or concrete pathways that offer maximum speed with minimum resistance, making the ride smoother and faster.

      • Rough and Uneven Terrain: Grass, gravel, and rough paths can cause the hoverboard to slow down significantly and be harder to balance. They require extra work from their motor and gyroscopic system, which could result in slower speeds and an increase in fall risk.

      • Inclines and Declines: Hoverboards can handle mild inclines with ease; however, steep hills can reduce speed dramatically and strain their motor, potentially rendering riding them dangerous as their speed capabilities exceed what can be controlled with ease. Riding down steep slopes may make the hoverboard harder to control in general.

      4. Battery Life

      A hoverboard's performance depends heavily on its battery health.

      • Fully Charged Battery: For optimal operation of any hoverboard, its battery must be fully charged to operate at its fullest potential speed and range. Most hoverboards can travel 7-15 miles on one charge, depending on their model and riding conditions.

      • Battery Depletion: As its battery level declines, hoverboard speed and power diminish to conserve energy. For optimal performance during rides and to avoid unexpected power outages during their time on board, keep its battery charged up and ensure optimal performance is preserved by keeping its charge full.

      • Battery Quality: Battery quality can have an enormous effect on speed. High-grade lithium-ion batteries offer reliable power delivery at higher speeds. At the same time, cheaper options may not perform as effectively and have shorter lifespans.

      Read more: Can Adults Use Hoverboards

      Safety First

      Children who ride hoverboards should always put safety first. Here are some useful safety guidelines and advice that will ensure a positive, enjoyable, and safe rider experience.

      1. Wear Protective Gear

      Proper protective equipment is crucial to reduce the risk of injury from falls or collisions.

      • Helmet: A well-fitted helmet is the most critical piece of safety equipment. It should be worn at all times to protect against head injuries. Look for helmets that meet safety standards and provide adequate coverage for the head.

      • Knee and Elbow Pads: Knee and elbow pads protect from scrapes and bruises when learning to ride or traversing uneven terrain, especially for beginners or when learning new tricks. They must fit snugly without restricting movement.

      • Wrist Guards: Falls often result in wrist injuries as children use their hands instinctively to break their fall, making wrist guards an invaluable way of providing essential protection and cushioning against potential sprains or fractures.

      • Closed-Toe Shoes: Footwear with good grip helps maintain balance and protect feet against injuries. Closed-toe shoes that fit tightly are key in providing this benefit.

      2. Supervise Young Riders

      Younger or inexperienced riders must be closely supervised to ensure they use their hoverboard safely and correctly.

      • Beginning Hoverboarding Guidance: For children just starting hoverboarding, having an adult assist them is crucial for building confidence and competence in an enjoyable learning experience. Teach them how to mount, dismount, and control the hoverboard in a safe manner.

      • Safe Riding Areas: Select safe locations for riding, such as parks or playgrounds that are free from traffic and obstacles, such as pedestrian footfall and steep slopes that could pose potential hazards. Avoid areas with heavy pedestrian footfall, steep slopes, or uneven surfaces, which could present hazards that pose risks.

      • Establishing Boundaries: Create clear rules and boundaries, such as staying away from roads, avoiding stunts, and not riding after dark. With regular supervision and reinforcement of these rules, accidents may be reduced significantly.

      3. Check the Hoverboard’s Condition

      Checks Maintaining and checking a hoverboard regularly will ensure it remains in safe working order and can be enjoyed safely by its users.

      • Before Each Use: Inspect for Damage: Before every use, conduct an inspection on your hoverboard for signs of wear and tear such as cracks, loose parts, or damaged wheels that might occur due to normal usage. Address any potential issues immediately to avoid accidents from happening.

      • Test Brakes and Lights: Before riding in low light conditions, always test both brakes and lights to make sure that they're working as intended and properly illuminated for visibility and safety. Proper lighting increases visibility and safety.

      • Battery and Charging: Regularly inspect the battery for signs of damage or wear and ensure its charger is in good working order before charging according to manufacturer specifications to avoid over- or undercharging the battery.

      4. Observe Local Laws and Guidelines

      Understanding and adhering to local laws and guidelines are integral for safe and legal hoverboard usage.

      • Local Restrictions: Since different areas have different rules about hoverboard usage, some areas restrict them on sidewalks, roads, or public places. It is wise to contact your local authorities regarding where and how these devices may be legally utilized.

      • Age Restrictions: Different regions may impose age requirements for hoverboard riders. Make sure your child meets these minimum standards and understands all rules and responsibilities associated with hoverboard use.

      • Speed Limits: Be mindful of any speed limits set for hoverboard use in public places. Exceeding these speeds could prove dangerous and result in fines or penalties being levied against you.

      • Community Guidelines: Always abide by community rules and display respect for pedestrians and other riders, such as using signals when turning, yielding to pedestrians when necessary, and avoiding riding in congested areas to reduce accidents.


      Hoverboards offer an exciting and innovative way for kids to explore the outdoors and develop new skills, both of which they'll appreciate while having lots of fun on them! Although they might not float quite like those seen in "Back to the Future," they still give children a sense of independence and freedom they love.

      By considering factors like speed, safety, and the needs of your child when choosing their hoverboarding experience, you can ensure it will be both exciting and safe for them.

      How quickly can kids go on hoverboards? Depending on the model and conditions, it is quite fast! Just make sure that safety comes first while having fun while enjoying the ride!


      How fast can a kid go on a hoverboard?

      Kids can typically reach speeds of 6 to 12 mph, depending on the hoverboard model and riding conditions.

      What factors affect hoverboard speed?

      Speed is influenced by the model, rider’s weight, terrain, and battery life.

      Are hoverboards safe for kids?

      Yes, when used with proper safety gear and supervision, hoverboards can be a safe and fun activity for kids.