Making Camping Comfortable for Kids to Sleep Soundly

    Making Camping Comfortable for Kids to Sleep Soundly | HYPER GOGO
    Ensure your kids sleep soundly while camping with these practical tips on gear, routines, and strategies for a peaceful night.

    Camping with kids can be an enchanting adventure filled with laughter, adventure, and lasting memories you won't soon forget!

    However, getting your children to sleep soundly in a tent may be an uphill battle, given its unfamiliar environment and the excitement associated with being outdoors.

    I remember the first time we took our children camping: I was determined to maintain our usual bedtime routine so they could quickly settle into their sleeping bags.

    My expectations were mistakenly far off! My kids ran amok within their tent, bouncing off its walls like pinballs. Soon enough, I found myself whispering, "Please lay down!" more and more like Darth Vader himself!

    As soon as nearly 10:30 came around, things finally quieted, and I was ready to head home.

    But here's the thing: even after such an exhausting night of camping with my children, the rewards outweighed any sleepless nights.

    Since camping with children can often be stressful and exhausting, we've developed some effective techniques to make camping with them much more pleasurable - and restful.

    Set Your Camping Trip Up for Success

    Planning can make for an excellent camping trip experience. From prepping the campsite to pitching tents and sleeping well, success lies within our grasp!

    Arriving early allows us to set up, explore, and unwind before bedtime.

    Entering camp right before dinnertime could be disastrous.

    Arrive between 1-4 PM (check-in times permitting) to give yourself enough daylight time.

    Invest in Quality Sleeping Gear

    If camping becomes part of your regular activities, investing in quality sleeping gear should be a top priority.

    Comfortable sleeping pads or air mattresses can make an enormous difference to your restful nights of restful slumber.

    Consider using a sleep sack instead of traditional sleeping bags when caring for toddlers--trust me, this can make a real difference when trying to ensure they sleep soundly all night.

    Consider a Blackout Tent

    One of our best investments was purchasing a blackout tent.

    Your children may already be used to sleeping under blackout curtains at home; they'll love the extra dark, quiet space a blackout tent provides during those long summer nights when it sets much later than their typical bedtime.

    Limit Sugar Before Bedtime

    While it might be tempting for children to indulge in campfire treats and other sweets before sleeping, sugar has no place in our bodies' ecosystems.

    We learned that sugar highs can lead to late bedtimes and early wake-ups.

    Now, we enjoy our s'mores in the afternoon, giving the children plenty of time to release excess energy before bedtime.

    Wear Them Out During the Day

    One effective strategy to ensure a good night's rest for children and parents is keeping them active throughout the day. Keep them moving! This may help ensure a great restful slumber!

    Camping days are full of hikes, swimming, fishing, and exploring!

    At bedtime, their body has usually reached such exhaustion that they fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

    Read more: Tips for First-Time Camping with Kids

    Stick to Naps

    Travel can disrupt our normal routine, but keeping up with a nap schedule can make a real difference in how your trip unfolds.

    Find ways to help your children rest through the afternoon. From car rides to quiet time in a tent, find ways to give your little ones their needed restful slumber.

    Sleep-deprived children tend to find it easier to settle at bedtime.

    Dress for the Weather

    Even during the height of summer, nights can become cool in higher altitude areas, making appropriate clothing essential.

    Ensure your children are prepared for all weather conditions with layers they can easily add or subtract as necessary.

    An extra pair of warm socks and a toasty hat can make a real difference when the mercury drops.

    Keep Hydration in Check

    Hydration is vital, so make sure that you pay attention to how much water your children drink before bed.

    The last thing you want is for them to wake up in the middle of the night and need to use the bathroom.

    Encourage fluid intake throughout the day, but reduce consumption as bedtime approaches.

    Choose a Spacious Tent

    When it comes to tents, bigger is better.

    Space allows everyone to move without feeling cramped, creating an enhanced sleep experience for all involved.

    We typically purchase tents one or two sizes larger than necessary to meet our family's requirements.

    Adjust Bedtime Expectations

    Camping can be exciting, and your regular bedtime routine may need a few changes during this journey.

    We've discovered that going to bed a little later and including fun activities like story time or singing songs around a campfire helps ease the transition to sleep.

    Use White Noise

    Camping can bring many unexpected sounds, from rustling leaves to unruly neighbors, creating an array of noises you must consider when creating white noise.

    White noise machines can help provide your children with a familiar and relaxing environment, helping to create an ideal space to study.

    Practice Makes Perfect

    The more often you camp, the simpler and smoother it becomes.

    As children (and adults) get used to what to expect during a visit, the process becomes less stressful and easier overall.

    Don't let a disappointing first experience discourage you; keep trying, and camping will soon become part of your family tradition.

    Camping with children can be challenging, but it can also be highly rewarding when planned and approached correctly.

    So pack up your gear, gather up your family members, and prepare to create some incredible memories together under the stars.

    Merry camping! Congratulations and enjoy!


    What is the best time to arrive at the campsite with kids?

    Arrive between 1-4 PM to allow time for setup and winding down before bedtime.

    What type of sleeping gear is recommended for kids?

    Invest in comfortable sleeping pads or air mattresses and consider a sleep sack for toddlers.

    How can I keep my kids comfortable at night while camping?

    Dress them in layers, limit sugar intake before bed, and use a portable white noise machine to create a familiar environment.


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